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Central Endpoint Intercept X

Central Endpoint Intercept X

Рейтинг: 4.8
Голосов: 7

Central Endpoint Intercept X - обеспечивает лучшую End-To-End защиту от вредоносных программ, эксплойтов и вымогателей. Для остановки широкого спектра угроз, Intercept использует комплексный подход с акцентом на защите конечных точек, не полагаясь на стандартные методы обеспечения кибербезопасности. 

Central Endpoint Intercept X
Central Endpoint Intercept X
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Central Endpoint Intercept X, 12 months
Includes: [Windows] Malicious Traffic Detection, Synchronized Security Heartbeat, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis.
3447.64 грн
Central Endpoint Intercept X, 24 months
Includes: [Windows] Malicious Traffic Detection, Synchronized Security Heartbeat, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis.
5171.73 грн
Central Endpoint Intercept X, 36 months
Includes: [Windows] Malicious Traffic Detection, Synchronized Security Heartbeat, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis.
6895.29 грн
Central Endpoint Intercept X (Competitive Upgrade), 12 months
Includes: [Windows] Malicious Traffic Detection, Synchronized Security Heartbeat, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis.
2930.37 грн
Central Endpoint Intercept X (Competitive Upgrade), 24 months
Includes: [Windows] Malicious Traffic Detection, Synchronized Security Heartbeat, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis.
4395.81 грн
Central Endpoint Intercept X (Competitive Upgrade), 36 months
Includes: [Windows] Malicious Traffic Detection, Synchronized Security Heartbeat, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis.
5861.25 грн
Central Intercept X Advanced, 12 months
Includes choice of: - Endpoint Agent: (Windows/macOS) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Web Security, Web Control, Malware Removal, Peripheral Control, Application Control, Synchronized Security Heartbeat (Windows only) Behaviour Analysis/HIPS, Data Loss Prevention, Download Reputation, Malicious Traffic Detection, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis. - Sophos for Virtual Environments, Light Agent off-board scanning: (Windows Desktop VMs) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Malware Removal * Security Heartbeat functionality is available when Endpoint Advanced is used in conjunction with one of the following Sophos Firewall subscriptions - Network Protection, FullGuard or EnterpriseGuard. Note: Full Endpoint Agent and Sophos for Virtual Environments light agent cannot be deployed on the same computer"
3517.8 грн
Central Intercept X Advanced, 24 months
Includes choice of: - Endpoint Agent: (Windows/macOS) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Web Security, Web Control, Malware Removal, Peripheral Control, Application Control, Synchronized Security Heartbeat (Windows only) Behaviour Analysis/HIPS, Data Loss Prevention, Download Reputation, Malicious Traffic Detection, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis. - Sophos for Virtual Environments, Light Agent off-board scanning: (Windows Desktop VMs) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Malware Removal * Security Heartbeat functionality is available when Endpoint Advanced is used in conjunction with one of the following Sophos Firewall subscriptions - Network Protection, FullGuard or EnterpriseGuard. Note: Full Endpoint Agent and Sophos for Virtual Environments light agent cannot be deployed on the same computer"
5276.96 грн
Central Intercept X Advanced, 36 months
Includes choice of: - Endpoint Agent: (Windows/macOS) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Web Security, Web Control, Malware Removal, Peripheral Control, Application Control, Synchronized Security Heartbeat (Windows only) Behaviour Analysis/HIPS, Data Loss Prevention, Download Reputation, Malicious Traffic Detection, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis. - Sophos for Virtual Environments, Light Agent off-board scanning: (Windows Desktop VMs) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Malware Removal * Security Heartbeat functionality is available when Endpoint Advanced is used in conjunction with one of the following Sophos Firewall subscriptions - Network Protection, FullGuard or EnterpriseGuard. Note: Full Endpoint Agent and Sophos for Virtual Environments light agent cannot be deployed on the same computer"
7036.12 грн
Central Intercept X Advanced (Competitive Upgrade), 12 months
Includes choice of: - Endpoint Agent: (Windows/macOS) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Web Security, Web Control, Malware Removal, Peripheral Control, Application Control, Synchronized Security Heartbeat (Windows only) Behaviour Analysis/HIPS, Data Loss Prevention, Download Reputation, Malicious Traffic Detection, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis. - Sophos for Virtual Environments, Light Agent off-board scanning: (Windows Desktop VMs) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Malware Removal * Security Heartbeat functionality is available when Endpoint Advanced is used in conjunction with one of the following Sophos Firewall subscriptions - Network Protection, FullGuard or EnterpriseGuard. Note: Full Endpoint Agent and Sophos for Virtual Environments light agent cannot be deployed on the same computer"
2990.05 грн
Central Intercept X Advanced (Competitive Upgrade 36 months
Includes choice of: - Endpoint Agent: (Windows/macOS) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Web Security, Web Control, Malware Removal, Peripheral Control, Application Control, Synchronized Security Heartbeat (Windows only) Behaviour Analysis/HIPS, Data Loss Prevention, Download Reputation, Malicious Traffic Detection, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis. - Sophos for Virtual Environments, Light Agent off-board scanning: (Windows Desktop VMs) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Malware Removal * Security Heartbeat functionality is available when Endpoint Advanced is used in conjunction with one of the following Sophos Firewall subscriptions - Network Protection, FullGuard or EnterpriseGuard. Note: Full Endpoint Agent and Sophos for Virtual Environments light agent cannot be deployed on the same computer"
5980.63 грн
Central Intercept X Advanced (Competitive Upgrade), 24 months
Includes choice of: - Endpoint Agent: (Windows/macOS) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Web Security, Web Control, Malware Removal, Peripheral Control, Application Control, Synchronized Security Heartbeat (Windows only) Behaviour Analysis/HIPS, Data Loss Prevention, Download Reputation, Malicious Traffic Detection, Exploit Prevention, Cryptoguard Anti-Ransomware, Sophos Clean, Root Cause Analysis. - Sophos for Virtual Environments, Light Agent off-board scanning: (Windows Desktop VMs) Anti-malware, Live Protection, Malware Removal * Security Heartbeat functionality is available when Endpoint Advanced is used in conjunction with one of the following Sophos Firewall subscriptions - Network Protection, FullGuard or EnterpriseGuard. Note: Full Endpoint Agent and Sophos for Virtual Environments light agent cannot be deployed on the same computer"
4485.34 грн

Защита Central Endpoint Intercept X построена на традиционных методах обеспечения кибербезопасности в сочетании с алгоритмами следующего поколения. Антивирус объединяет лучшие средства обнаружения вредоносных программ и защиты от эксплойтов с встроенными методами обнаружения и реагирования на опасности. Ключевой особенностью Intercept X является использование искусственного интеллекта, который представляет собой нейронную сеть с самообучением а также инновационную форму машинного обучения, которая может обнаружить известные и неизвестные ранее вирусы и вредоносное ПО не используя сигнатуры. Машинное обучение делает антивирус более интеллектуальным, масштабируемым и высокопроизводительным чем другие антивирусы, используемые машинное обучение или обнаружение на основе сигнатур. 

Основные особенности Central Endpoint Intercept X:

  • Остановит вымогателей. CryptoGuard самая продвинутая на данный момент защита от вымогателей. Данная технология использует поведенческие анализы, для остановки невиданных ранее вымогателей и атак с загрузочной записью. Именно это делает его самой передовой защитой.

  • Предотвращение эксплойтов.  Intercept X запрещает злоумышленникам блокировать эксплойты и другие методы, используемые для распространения вредоносного ПО и кражи различных данных. Это помогает отражать хакеров и атаки нулевого дня. 

  • Очистка от вредоносного ПО. Intercept X в своем арсенале имеет самый мощный в отрасли очиститель от опасных программ. Если большинство антивирусов и подобного рода ПО просто удаляют вредоносные и зараженные файлы, Sophos Clean обеспечивает исправления на уровне исходного кода, также восстанавливая изменения в реестре.